Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break

Sorry we haven't posted in a while.  I'll try to bring you all up to date over the next few days.  Peter came home for his Spring Break a couple weeks ago and we had a GREAT time!  Here are the top 10 favorite things of the week with Peter, according to Anna (with a few photos):

1. Playing Civilization

2. Going to the Aquarium

3. Playing Settlers of Catan

4. Peter teaching me how to play Pokemon

5. Going to the Sugar Shack for breakfast

6. Playing Stratego

7. Going to the Spinnery (and stopping at the Bakery Arts Cafe in Brattleboro)

8. Building train tracks

9. Gato Party

10. Peter getting to sleep late

Anna and Peter spent a lot of time hanging out, going down to the stream and playing games, and while it wasn't Florida, we had warm and sunny weather the entire time.  We got a couple day trips in, one to the New England Aquarium and another to Brattleboro, VT and the Green Mountain Spinnery, but the kids generally just relaxed, or as Peter likes to say "chillax" - Anna teases him about that!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Tiger Photo Series, Part 2

As promised, here is the Tiger, all dolled up in Part 2...

Snow Kitty

The bride looked lovely in silk with snowflakes.


It's Tea Time.

The Tiger looks like he has had enough in that last photo.  Anna insists he was just tired, but his eyes say it all.  Grrrr......

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Tiger Photo Series, Part 1

As you can see, Anna was very busy with the Tiger, a most tolerant cat...

I need to shade my furry locks.

Ready for a ride, pardner?

 Those jumps were exhausting.

 Princess Cat.

My apologies to the Tiger.  I did not know what Anna was doing in her room.  We will post Part 2 tomorrow (yes, there are more photos).